Fiona Hollings
Fiona Hollings
Lived experience

My whole life I felt different, and I only recently discovered that the reason for that is because I am different, I’m autistic. When I received my autism diagnosis in my mid-twenties, my experiences to date suddenly made a lot more sense. What I have excelled in, and why I have found aspects of life incredibly difficult growing up. Alongside the challenges of being undiagnosed as autistic, I have also battled anorexia since my early teens. Since my autism diagnosis, I have been able to better understand myself and my mental health, and subsequently felt better able to navigate my recovery from anorexia. Part of that journey has been about talking about my experiences, which is why I am speaking at LEDC, to talk to you about what I wish I had known, what I want you to know and why it is important that we better understand the overlap between autism and eating disorders.